Illustration by Patrick McDonnell

Illustration by Patrick McDonnell

Illustration by RJ Matson

Illustration by RJ Matson

Baggage, We All Have It

Forged by past experiences both good and bad, our “baggage” is often what makes us unique and interesting. The same can be said for shelter pets. Many animal rescues and shelters downplay the things that may make an animal a little harder to place. We see these attributes as interesting and worthwhile challenges to overcome or manage through training, patience, and a little love. I guess we just have more faith in our adopters, wonderful compassionate people who understand shelter pets are often going through the most difficult times of their lives and need a little understanding before revealing their best selves.

The following quirky but glorious pets are currently available for adoption.


Meet “Lola”

Baggage: There was a time when we would have said Lola could not live with another dog. But that’s true no more! .

The Positives: Lola successfully completed several training courses, and we are now confident this 30 lbs. Harrier Cross can coexist with other dogs, providing the introductions are done correctly. And our trainer will help interested adopters with any and all introductions (special thanks to Lola’s sponsors Bryan & Jayme, and trainer extraordinaire Lee Wall). Extremely affectionate with people of all ages.


Corey and Topanga

Baggage: Trying to find a home for two siblings together/a bonded pair can prove difficult. In addition, Topanga (the female) prefers only male dogs; Corey (her male sib) prefers female dogs. But they love and are devoted to each other.

The Positives: This pair of 50-60 lbs. Shepherd Mixes are ready-made for a family actively looking for an easy pair of dogs!  Corey and Topanga are smart, housebroken, and love people of all ages. Calm and collected, they are calmly waiting to be collected by some lucky adopter.


Adella, Caribbean Queen

Baggage: When Adella first arrived at 1 Love 4 Animals we weren't sure she liked other dogs. She soon proved us wrong and loves to run and play with dogs of the opposite sex. Not great with other females, this 35 lbs. Shepherd Mix is okay with male dogs of all shapes and sizes.

The Positives: Adella has always been great with people! Sent to us from Anguilla, an island where puppies are routinely euthanized, so it’s a true miracle this dog made it to PA (thanks to our rescue partners on the island). Ideal for a jogger or onlead hiking.